Wednesday 13 March 2013

Mythic lord magnum

Until recently burger loving Port Melburnians had a choice of two chain outlets. The ubiquitous yet dismal Nandos and, trying a little harder, an Urban Burger franchise. Now the latter has been replaced, not with a Grill'd as seen in neighbouring suburbs, but with a more independent operation hailing from Mount Buller.
Little has changed inside The Burger Haus with the new owners evidently having aquired almost all of their forerunner's fixtures and fittings. The back room even maintains the same useful wall of posters for upcoming gigs and shows. What is new of course is the menu which is unashamedly (and some would say ridiculously) macho with all burgers bearing names like the Legend, the Phantom and the Prophet.
However it's the flavour that really counts and in this area the Germanic burger house is playing it very safe, with unadventurous fillings of similar quality to an Urban Burger and über ordinary chips. Which is good news perhaps for existing customers but ultimately a shame as, unlike the Victorian Alps, there's serious competition when it comes to gourmet burgers in this city and on initial impressions this place simply doesn't have the necessary mustard cutting tools to return Port into that league.
The Burger Haus on Urbanspoon

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