Sunday 8 July 2012

Falling by

The Wayside Inn shares the Fleece's achilles heel of a sub optimal location, perched as it is at the intersection of City Road and Ferrars Street, with no other hostelries of note nearby.
However the similarities end there as the Wayside is an altogether more invigorating proposition, with more friendly staff, a more earthy interior, and a triangular beer garden tucked cleverly on the quieter side of Ferrars Street. And opening either the food or drink menu reveals an unexpected and exciting array of options that put most of Port's pubs to shame.

This is definitely a pub that justifies the inevitable trek to get to it (it is actually close to a tram stop (City Road) - but that's on the 96 route). The beer selection alone is outstanding, although the giant chalk board map of Victorian breweries on one wall has yet to be updated to show Matilda Bay as being just round the corner.

Beers on tap: Carlton Draught, 4Pines Kolsch, Cavalier Pale Ale, Stone & Wood Jasper Ale, Mclaren Vale Ale, Trumer Pils
Wine range: $7 - $11
Parma: No but you won't be disappointed by the burger
Gastro: Yes
Tradie vs Yuppy: Menu screams yuppy, but bar is relaxed

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